


the back pain project 6 weeks to a better back the back pain project 203-656-3638 Stamford Darien Norwalk New Canaan


The 6 Weeks to a Better Back Program was designed by Dr.Brian McKay to help people with serious low back pain to have a starting place to begin healing their own back with exercises. With the new year, people set unrealistic goals that are difficult to meet. If someone with a chronically bad lower back begins to exercise they often fail because the supporting skeletal system can not meet the demands placed upon the spine. This program is similar to the program done for our patients at The Back Pain Project

The 6 Weeks to a Better back program takes into consideration that a fresh starting point will allow the body to acclimate to the increased demands being placed on the spine. We have seen people start to exercise vigorously in January and usually end up in more pain. We do not want to see that happen. By starting out with basic stretches the lower back pain sufferer can start to slowly awaken the body. This gives the back pain sufferer a better chance to succeed with gradually more challenging exercises in an organized gradient.
If you truly want to help a bad back get better you have to start with a plan. The exercises and stretches are provided free of charge to encourage the development of healthy habits. A better foundation can be the start of a long continuous journey towards better health overall. Think of it as crawling before walking, and eventually, we want you running!

Right now we are bombarded with gym memberships and diets. How often do our well-intentioned goals go to the wayside? Quickly, old poor habits return and we forget about that diet or exercise program we need. Studies have shown that it takes a sustained commitment to make lasting changes in our lives. The 6 Weeks to a Better Back Program was designed to help those who want a proper start to radically change their lives and eliminate their back pain.

The 6 Weeks to a Better Back Program is only a starting point. Consider it a remedial class or a driver’s ed class before you get your driver’s license. Once your structure has a good foundation you will have less chance of falling to the wayside. How many people do you know who have earnestly tried to get off to a good start only to fail in the short term? Do not think that this will cure you of your back pain. In that case, do not bother, stay on the couch with the remote in hand, wishing things would be different. The Back Pain Project starts with home exercise so our patients have a head start. We do not waste their time doing their homework for them. If they want help for their chronic lower back pain they need to exercise.

There is no charge to get started just click the link provided, answer a few questions and the following Monday get started. You will not need any expensive equipment. Bring your desire to change the path you are on. If you choose to do nothing your back pain will only worsen. That same pain can rob you of the joys of life. I look forward to helping you get started on a life of being pain-free.
Thanks, Dr.Brian McKay.

Here is the link https://bit.ly/6weeksBetterBack

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