

Chiropractic Care Back Pain

Dr,Mc Kay The Back Pain Project chiropractic care for back pain

Chiropractic care is essential for treating mechanical deficiencies in the spine to relieve chronic lower back pain. Chiropractic care by itself is good but not enough to address the soft tissue problems that arise with long-term back pain. A question of which type of chiropractic care is best for your low back pain needs to be addressed. By having over 30 years of experience, Dr. McKay will make that determination after you are examined. Our goal when delivering chiropractic care is always your safety, comfort, and effectiveness.

Why Your Back Pain Needs Chiropractic Care

 When a spinal bone misaligns we call it a subluxation. This is when a bone moves out of its normal range and creates pressure on the nerves that exit the spine. The nerve is very sensitive and therefore are very easy to irritate and cause you to have serious lower back pain. The pelvic bones that form the base of your spine are hotbeds for problems created when the base fails to properly support the vertebra also known as spinal bones. Think of the pelvis as you would think of a foundation in a house. A strong foundation is important to maintain structural integrity. This holds true for your body. The Back Pain Project understands what your back needs so you can feel better.

 The adjustment is the name given to the procedure whereby the chiropractor moves the spinal bones back into place. The adjustment relieves tension on the nerve helping to reduce the lower back pain caused by the subluxation. The restored spinal bone is in a mechanically efficient place allowing for normal movement of the body without lower back pain. The adjustment needs time to stabilize and stay in place. Commonly we asked why does it take so long to receive treatment for back pain. The reason it takes long depends on how long have you had the pain. It is not unusual for a patient with chronic lower back problems to wait years until they do something about the pain. Then we have to consider all the issues that go with the subluxation for example muscle spasms, muscle weakness, and mechanical deviations. The Back Pain Project offers more than just chiropractic care

 We have found that by combining the adjustment with spinal decompression allows the affected spinal discs to have less pressure on them. This has been shown to speed the healing process. The Back Pain Project uses several therapies each visit. Our goal is to relieve you of your chronic lower back pain. Call 203-656-3638 today if you would like to be helped with your back pain.

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