

Hip Pain and Low Back Pain

the back pain project offers relief from hip and low back pain 203-656-3636

Hip pain happens to be very close to the lumbar spine. This makes it more difficult to differentiate where the pain is coming from. The Back Pain Project treats low back pain and hip pain. It is important to look at the relationship between adjacent areas. Some hip pain starts with overpronating feet that cause the knee to rotate, then the femur shifts out of position. The clinical significance here is that the femur is part of the hip. It is very common to have lower back pain caused by a hip subluxation or malposition.

Pain is pain to most people, getting rid of the hip pain is the patient’s number one priority. We use a method called Active Release Technique to help us determine which muscles, nerves, and bones are being affected by the pain. So our treatment at The Back Pain Project uses chiropractic care to move the hip and low back but then we also work the muscles and nerves to make a complete healing response as fast as possible. Here Is a complete list of treatment modalities.

Chronic Hip Pain Leading to Hip Replacement

Chronic hip pain wears out the femoral head and leads to degenerative osteoarthritis in the hip joint. This further complicates pelvic stability. Pelvic instability is a major cause of lower back pain and hip replacement. Therapy must be directed to both areas the lower back and the hip joint. The entire motor unit from the trunk flexors to the toes must be evaluated when someone has hip pain as their major complaint.

the back pain project offers relief from hip and low back pain 203-656-3636

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